Help ENG





26 Lessons

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Help ENG

This video give you a short overview of the dashboard

Video lesson

In this lesson you learn where to find you account settings

Video lesson

You wil learn how to set your payment api key from Mollie

Video lesson

How to cancel your account subscription

Video lesson

How to change your domain name to your own URL

Video lesson

How to find your invoices; Go to menu -> dropdown your name -> payment history

Video lesson

Here you learn how to set your profile, company info, api key, mollie key and more

Video lesson

How to buy SMS credits and why

Video lesson

You wil learn how to create a new funnel

Video lesson

Here you learn where to look at for your funnel stats

Video lesson

How to save huge time by using the magic button

Video lesson
Video lesson

You wil learn how to create a filter

Video lesson

You wil learn how to manage relations

Video lesson

You wil learn how to create a tag

Video lesson

How to create group lists

Video lesson
Video lesson
Video lesson

How to see the send schedule

Video lesson

This video shows you how to make a MAGIC Copy of a funnel and saves you huge time.

Video lesson


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